Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dallas delight

14 July 2011 Last updated at 11:16 GMT The cast of Dallas in 1983 The cast of Dallas in 1983 Sibling rivalry, Southfork and stetsons. Say those words, and maybe throw in oil, and most people will picture Dallas.

The return of Dallas to the small screen in 2012 will excite many fans of the iconic series and none more so than one Glengormley woman who cried when the original series ended.

Even though the series will not be shown in the USA until next summer, the trailer for the rebooted version exploded onto the internet earlier this week.

Dallas was a firm favourite with TV audiences around the world from 1978 to 1991.

Fan fears that the show would lack the original's allure were diminished when Larry Hagman, Linda Gray and Patrick Duffy, aka JR, Sue-Ellen and Bobby Ewing took centre stage.

Although the reboot will focus on John Ross and Christopher Ewing, sons of warring brothers JR and Bobby, the old guard have returned.

Sarah Wilson was just 15-years-old when the series ended in 1991, but has remained devoted to it for the last 20 years.

An upstairs room is devoted to Dallas memorabilia, in particular to Linda Gray.

"Sue-Ellen is my favourite, she always has been and that hasn't changed. Sometimes with TV shows your favourite character can change, but I've loved her since I was 4-years-old," said Sarah.

Sarah has a lifesize cardboard cutout of her favourite character Sarah has a lifesize cardboard cutout of her favourite character

"My mother was fan and apparently, and as the story goes, I would sit on her knee when she was watching it. And it kind of stuck and I wouldn't go away.

"When I look back I'm surprised I was even allowed to watch it. Maybe they hoped I wouldn't understand what was going on."

But like Sue-Ellen, once scorned Sarah holds on to a grudge as one minor cast member, Fern Fitzgerald, found out.

"She was one of my least favourites in the show, Marilee Stone, because she had an affair with JR and I didn't really approve and I told her off when I met her," she said.

But after that meeting in a Ohio airport toilet, Sarah changed her mind: "She was a lovely lady, really sweet and giving of her time."

Sarah's love of Dallas has even taken her all the way to Southfork.

Talking about a picture of herself with Ken Kercheval, better known as Cliff Barnes, the arch enemy of JR, Sarah said she has met most of the original cast.

"That was taken at Southfork in 2008 for Dallas' 30th aniversary and it was like a dream come true," she said.

"It was at the actual ranch and they were all just walking about as if they lived there."

But what are her hopes for the new series?

"I don't think anything can match the original.

"I'm obviously 100% behind it, especiallly because Linda Gray, Larry Hagman and Patrick Duffy are in it.

"I think it will be really interesting, expecially for diehard fans of the show bcause it's carrying on with next generation."

And that next generation of young actors must be hoping the show is a hit and that there are few storylines which kill them off, only to return from the dead in a shower scene.

View the original article here

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